Tiger Wrestling finishes Regular season with 2 wins

(From Head Coach Paul Durbahn) Albert Lea wrestling won two duals tonight in a this evening’s triangular in Winona with Plainview-Elgin-Millville. Tonight’s victories bring our regular season to a close with a record  of 23-6 (9-1 in the Big9).


We determine seeds for the section team tournament this weekend. Albert Lea will likely host a Section 1AA match on Thursday evening in Albert Lea. Details will be ironed out at that time. The Section 1AA Team tournament is Thursday and Saturday this week (February 17th and 19th), with Semifinals and Finals on Saturday at the Rochester Civic Center. The top four seeds will host prelims and quarterfinal matches Thursday at their home site. The Section 1AA Individual Tournament is FrIday and Saturday the following week (February 25th and 26th) all at the Rochester Civic Center.


Albert Lea 70 – Winona 6

106 Mike Olson (AL) over J. Miller by Fall 1:29

113 Logan Davis (AL) won by Forfeit

120 Brody Ignaszewski (AL) won by Forfeit

126 Aivin Wasmoen (AL) over B. Jonsgaard by Fall 1:30

132 Nick Korman (AL) over O. Allred by Fall 1:06

138 Carter Miller (AL) over M, Smith by Fall 3:57

145 Mavrick Attig (AL) over J. Vinson-Audetat by Decision 5-0

152 Logan Henningson (WIN) over Triton Cox by Fall 3:55

160 Derrick McMillian (AL) over P. Hoff by Major Decision 8-0

170 Blake Braun (AL) over C. Sense by Decision 7-0

182 Luke Moller (AL) won by Forfeit

195 Kadin Indrelie (AL) won by Forfeit

220 Adam Semple (AL) won by Forfeit

285 Ben Schwemmler (AL) over A. Johnson by Fall 1:07


Albert Lea 66 – PEM 17

106 Mike Olson (AL) over A. Graner by Fall 5:03

113 Logan Davis (AL) over C. Rahman by Fall 3:17

120 Brody Ignaszewski (AL) over N. Ford by Fall 1:42

126 Aivin Wasmoen (AL) over J. Schad by Fall 1:48

132 Nick Korman (AL) over G. Wallgren by Fall :37

138 Mavrick Attig (AL) over S. Ring by Fall 3:44

145 Carter Miller (AL) over L. Dittrich by Fall 1:53

152 Derrick McMillian (AL) over D. Michel by Fall 1:03

160 Blake Braun (AL) over A. Bedst by Fall 1:27

170 Luke Moller (AL) over A. Hinrich by Fall 3:00

182 Kadin Indrelie (AL) over D. Hutchinson by Fall :11

195 Maseon Tradup (PEM) won by Forfeit

220 Martin Prieto (PEM) over Adam Semple by Tech. Fall 18-2

285 D. Rahman (PEM) over Ben Schwemmler by Fall 1:37