4th of July Jamboree is under way in Albert Lea

Here’s the schedule of events

Thursday June 30th

-Thursdays on Fountain, Live Music Whalen and the Willows from 5:30-7 at Fountain Lake Park


Friday July 1

-Food Vendors North Broadway Parking Lot 11a-8p

-Pelican Breeze Cruise 6-7:30


Saturday July 2nd

-Food Vendors North Broadway Parking Lot 11a-8p

-Boat Parade 3pm on Fountain Lake

-Street Dance Downtown, with Papa Greezy from 7 until 9


Sunday July 3rd

-Food Vendors North Broadway Parking Lot 11a-8p

-Pelican Breeze Cruise from 1-3p

-Parade starting at 6 at the Fairgrounds, ending at Central Park

-Music in the Park at 7 at Fountain Lake Park, Bad Habits


Monday July 4th

-Food Vendors North Broadway Parking Lot 11a-11p

-Bayside Ski Show 1pm at Edgewater Park

-Car Show 2-6p Downtown

-Community Band at Fountain Lake Gazebo at 8

-Fireworks over Fountain Lake at 10